Our Donors

Individual Donors

The Baron's Men would like to thank the following donors, without whose steadfast belief in our dream and monetary support of our projects, the show would not go on.

♦  Our Patrons  ♦

Richard Garriott de Cayeux

♦  King/Queen  ♦

The Bennet/Raccah Fund

Jennifer Ayers-Brasher

♦  Duke/Duchess  ♦

Phillip & Jamy Conrad

♦  Count/Countess  ♦

♦  Baron/Baroness  ♦

Beth Pickett
Christopher Casey
Karen Casale
Leon Komkov
Linda Roach
Michael Scofield
Michael Meigs
Thomas Lynch

♦  Lord/Lady  ♦

Amy Edwards
Andrew L Barham
Carolyn Patrick
Dan Meeks
Erika Priddy
Eryn Lyle
Rich Jones
Vasken Sayre
William Storie
William Parrish


Corporate Sponsors

Are you a business owner interested in becoming a TBM sponsor? Email us at info@thebaronsmen.org. We'd love to work with you!

Queen Elizabeth's Circle 

Lord Chamberlain's Circle 

Admiral's Circle 

Precision Garage Door of Austin

Corporate Donors