The Baron’s Men Proudly Presents: Lysistrata by Aristophanes
Lysistrata, written by Aristophanes over 2000 years ago, is one of the best and earliest theatrical portrayals of the battle between the sexes. Set in Athens at the time of the Peloponnesian War, this raunchy political comedy shows to what great lengths the women of Greece are willing to go in order to end hostilities between the cities of Athens and Sparta. The titular heroine and her band of lusty ladies overtake the Acropolis and solemnly (and somewhat reluctantly) vow to withhold all marital pleasures from their war-like menfolk until peace is declared. The action comes to a head the when the women’s stiff resolve stiffens the men themselves, thrusting the play towards its climax. The Baron’s Men are proud to present this steamy and hilarious summer production that keeps audiences coming back millennium after millennium.
Cast & Crew
- Lysistrata – Liegh Toland
- Calonice – Christina Peppas
- Myrrhine – Joanna Casey
- Stratyllis – Maria Latiolais
- Female Chorus – Sara Billeaux, Jennifer Brinlee, Mindy Cook, Jennifer Fielding, Victoria Kelly
- Magistrate – Chris Casey
- Cinesias – Tyler Haggard
- Spartan Herald – Ryan Wilson
- Leader of Male Chorus – Levi Gore
- Male Chorus – Casey Jones, Julio Mella, Ameer Mobarak, Michael Pratt, Charles Smith
- Director – Lindsay M. Palinsky
- Assistant Director – Tyler Haggard
- Stage Manager – Laura Trezise, Michael Osborn
- Producer – Michael Osborn
- Front of House – Laura Trezise
- Costumes – Dawn Allee, Pam Martin
Show Program (1.01 MB pdf)